Professional weight loss advice 24/7

The western world has been facing a critical obesity problem over the past decade, with high levels of diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases. At the same time consumers and patients are more interested in their own health, eating habits and life-style choices. As a result, demand for nutritionists and dietitians has increased and is expected to continue to rise significantly.

Unfortunately, getting access to a nutritionist is not always easy. Consumers can feel left alone with their questions, looking for answers in all the wrong places.

We at Edevent think that access to advice should be made as easy as possible. Everybody should have the possibility to get evidence-based help in their life-style choices whenever and wherever it suits them.

That is why we have developed Edebot.

Edebot is a chat-bot based service, providing evidence-based nutrition- and weight loss advice 24 hours a day.

Edebot has been developed by experts in nutrition, weight-loss and the treatment of obesity.

Edebot offers advice on healthy eating and exercise but also on the psychological aspects of weight loss.

Edebot can be used by:

  • Hospitals and health care centres as prevention and support for patients.
  • Companies who want to help their customers make better life-style choices
  • Organisations and NGOs within diabetes, heart disease, preventive healthcare or sports

Edebot is tailored specifically to every organization’s needs and focus groups.

Ask for the password, so you can try yourself how the new Edebot works.

If you want to know more about Edebot or if you have any questions, please contact Fia Saaristo.